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Blog Category: World

Some Facts on the National Debt. While the national debt grows, few Americans truly know any facts on the national debt, how much it has been growing, why it has been growing so much, and how present day economics differ from those in the era of Roosevelt and even Kennedy. The national debt risings coincides

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European Union Purpose: An Empire is Starting That is Akin to the Soviet Union. Initially the European Union purpose was to prevent the spread of nationalist fervor that caused World War II. The European Union (EU) was founded in 1993 after the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty. The various components that constitute the EU originated

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Economic Impacts Global Warming Scare Lead to Higher Prices. The Economic Impacts Global Warming will be severe.  Hundreds Of billions of dollars a year be siphoned from the productive global economy in order to line the pockets of the global warming scamsters.  There will be a definite and mass of human cost to pay as

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The European Union Network is a Danger to the Free World.  The European Union Network has changed the way the world works, as it has taken away state sovereignty and has replaced it with a new system where all countries are connected to one another  Advocates of the union state that it allows goods and

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Fascist Countries Can Exist Anywhere. Fascist countries rose to power in the economic and social turmoil of post World War I Europe.  The ideology of fascism at the time is most commonly linked to Hitler and Mussolini, but also existed in many other countries, including Spain, Japan, Austria and China.  Despite differences in the rise

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Will the Democracy in Ancient Rome be America’s Democracy That Leads to Tyranny? According to historians the democracy in Ancient Rome began around the year 449BC and ended in the year 133BC. The word democracy comes from the Greek and means the rule of the individuals or by the people and for the people (in

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