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Blog Category: World

European Union Information Controlled by Official Agencies and Restricted Access is the Rule of the Day. Getting facts on issues and other European Union information has gotten more difficult with time. The organization began as the European Economic Community back in the 1950’s, but since that time it has spread and become much, much more

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The European Union Reach Extends Much Further Than the Boundaries of Europe. The European Union reach extends further than Europe itself. The laws on privacy and data regulation have a huge impact on American corporations and their operations. Aside from the privacy issue, the European Union (EU) has become a beacon of hope for small

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Direct Energy Technology is the Weapon of the Future, Touted by the U.S. Military to be Non-Lethal. Direct energy technology is here and it’s here to stay despite so much controversy and criticism over the use of these weapons in future combat. Direct energy weapons (DEW) are being hailed by the United States government, and

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Taking a Look at World Population Control, Rockefeller, AIDS, United Nations, Planned Parenthood, and New World Order. It’s virtually impossible to give you a complete education on any subject in one article, let alone the subject of world population control. Our goal is always to introduce you to the subjects that relate to the international

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The European Union and NATO Have Formed a Dangerous Partnership.  The European Union and NATO realized they were more powerful together than they would ever be apart, and thus they have formed an alliance that threatens the safety and the sovereignty of countries across the world. The alliance has many different elements to it, but

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Democracy in The World Today Turns Out to be Mob Rule. What is democracy in the world today as we know it? Is this the government we so heartily desire? Or is this a misleading terminology that fools us day by day? So often you hear that we must return to democracy. The chants and

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