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Blog Category: World

Details on International History and Politics Reveals the U.S. to be a Brutal Repressive Tool of the Elite Ruling Class for Their New World Order. Since World War II, international history and politics has been based largely around the United Nations which Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman helped craft after the war. They attempted

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Some Think an Iraq Democracy is not the Answer at all- Where-In Lies the Balance and Counterpoint of Hidden Agendas and Desired Outcomes? Voters and the general populace, the people living, working and born, citizens in Iraq are getting, regaining their say and voice back!  They are on the returning roads to democracy and fair

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Being an Iraq War Protester is the Most Important Thing Anyone Can do. The War is Fought for Profits and Globalist Control; Innocent People Are Dying for NWO. Now that Obama is in office instead of Bush, it’s a lot less cool to be an Iraq War protester. Many seem to be abandoning the cause,

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The Government’s Instrument is The Amero The One World Currency. The influence of American money is far-reaching, with today’s dollar affecting overseas markets every day. Is the amero the one world currency? When the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was put in place in 1994, the government’s plan for one currency in North America

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Hugo Chavez Timeline Over the Past 10 Years Has Drastically Reduced Misery. People Before Profits is a Crucial Lesson That Must be Learned to Avoid Total Economic Collapse. The Hugo Chavez timeline to initiate change was short. In his first year in office, he began the process of nationalization of Venezuela’s mineral and oil wealth

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Human Rights Violations in Japan Are Killing People.  When people think of human rights violations in Japan, they probably think of the obvious, such as racism and sexism, but what they are missing is one of the greatest violations. The worst violation in Japan right now involves the death penalty, as people are being executed

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