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Blog Category: World

Nazi Germany’s German Eugenics Science Was Largely Influenced by American Papers, Published During The Early Part of The Twentieth Century.  German eugenics was headed up by Dr. Ernst Rudin, who was financed by the Rockefellers to conduct research into eugenics.  Dr. Rudin was one reason, why Hitler turned on the Jews, as he saw them

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The First Echelon Surveillance System Was Instituted Without Public Knowledge or Approval. This first Echelon system can be traced back at least as far as the late 1990’s. At this time reports from various sources began to surface about the existence of a new type of surveillance system.  According to the sources, Echelon was a

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Female Sterilization UK is, Unfortunately, Nothing New. Throughout History, Those In Power Seek to Fill the Planet With Others like Themselves. Female sterilization UK is not something new. Francis Galton was a social engineer, a cousin of Charles Darwin, and he is known as the father of eugenics.  Galton felt that eugenics was necessary to

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A Fascist Government Will Implode American Values. A fascist government is on the horizon for American citizens, and it seems, we could care less. Americans need to stop thinking that our government is looking out for the best interests of the citizens, we are long past our government trying to protect us. Politicians lie, it

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European Union Food Regulations Ban Malaysian Seafood’s.  When one considers the European Union food the question comes to mind, just how safe is it, and what tests are being performed to ensure this, and who performs them?  When researching the safety of foods there are many positive things that are in print concerning the safety,

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Laser Directed Energy Weapons Soon to Be Used On The Battlefield In Iraq. Directed energy weapons are considered the latest addition to the arsenal of the men and women fighting for our freedom. A mature laser weapon can be integrated with an aerial platform and it would have the ability to shoot down missiles and

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