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Cognitive dissonance: Do We Really Want Change? In Order to Achieve that We Must be Objective

Cognitive dissonance: Do We Really Want Change? In Order to Achieve that We Must be Objective

Cognitive dissonance seems to be the #1 problem in America today.  All over social media feeds and news story comment threads you can clearly see most are aware there are serious problems in America, but not too many are willing to get to the roots.  Just like allopathic medicine, treating the symptoms isn’t going to heal the illness.  The illness ladies and gentleman is our massive amount of brainwashing and inability to shed the layers of the programming. Cognitive dissonance is the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.

Take the heroin and opioid epidemics for example.  All over social media, I see discussions about drug addiction.  It seems people want to blame the addict instead of helping them overcome.  “It’s a choice, not a disease,” they say.  At this point does it really even matter?  Where’s the compassion? Where’s the humanity?  I was disturbed by the number of people I saw commenting that we should just let addicts die.  Don’t bother trying to revive them. They deserve it because they chose it is the attitude held by many.  Yet I see many of those same people get angry about someone taking a knee at an NFL game.

They want to blame addicts while ignoring the fact the very same military they give blind respect and worship to is responsible for the heroin epidemic in America by guarding poppy fields that the CIA ends up trafficking into the streets of America.

It’s as ridiculous as pondering why the autism rates are skyrocketing while also claiming vaccines aren’t the culprit.  Why are our kids so sick?  Well, as soon as you get into the root of the causes people get upset because they feel you are judging them as parents.  We let our egos get in the way of the truth.

Gun control?  Try taking to pro-gun control advocates about the fact most of the mass shooters have been on dangerous psych drugs.  They’ll steamroll right over that issue and just keep on claiming we need the government to issue more gun control laws as if there aren’t enough on the books already.

Struggling to make ends meet?  Go back to school they say.  As if taking on more debt is the answer.  All the while having no understanding of how the financial system really works and the fact fiat currency has made us slaves.   Forget the fact 70% of Americans have $1000 or less to their names.  They must just be irresponsible with money.  As those who lie in glass houses like to claim.

Soaring cancer rates?  Race for the cure they say.  Donate to medical research so we can find a cure they say.  Yet when you present those who view allopathic medicine as the only option with blatant facts that so many cancer cures are being suppressed they don’t want to hear it.  Tell them chemotherapy kills more peopel than cancer and you’re labeled a “conspiracy theorist.”  As if cancer doesn’t bring in billions and billions in profits every year.  My social media feeds are full of, “please pray for so and so they are fighting this evil cancer and we need a miracle.”  Put some articles about cannabis in front of them and how dare you think you know more than an oncologist?

What I would like to know is how is it that the people, politicians, and culture of America still refuse to discuss the possibility that an examination of America and her actions of the last 100 years in the 3rd world and middle east may help explain why the world has an anti-American political bias?   The minute anyone in America even suggests that the United States is in some way responsible for her own misery, they are shouted down, made to feel unpatriotic and shoved out the door.

Just the other day I made a comment that I would never let my daughter join the military.  Not only because I’m anti-war but 1 in 3 women are raped in the military by one of their fellow soldiers.  Their perps are rarely ever brought to justice and the victims are vilified.  Even when presenting blatant evidence of this I still got a lot of hostility from people who told me I was being disrespectful and if I didn’t like it then I should leave the country.

I’m quite sick of the cognitive dissonance and inability of some people to be objective and shed the mass amount of brainwashing we have received.

Get it together America.  Stop wanting to win a debate and start thinking about how we are throwing away our children’s futures if we do not get to the ROOT of the causes.   Pointing fingers at the symptoms is going nowhere.  Just like big pharma’s drugs!

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