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Debt to Success System - Page 148 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Wiretapping Government Officials Should be Passed Into Law Immediately. Today, it is absolutely necessary for American citizens to demand the right to start wiretapping government and law enforcement officials. This is the only way that American citizens can truly find out what is going on in their own country. For example, this will provide an

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The Director of Homeland Security is Becoming The Leader of The Big Brother Generation. Everyone remembers September 11th when the foreign terrorists attacked on US soil killing thousands of Americans. You would expect the government to have been worried about the nation safety however they were merely using your fears to establish the big brother

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The Echelon System is Operated as Part of the US-UK Security Agreement. The Echelon system is operated as part of the US-UK Security Agreement. Five different states were a part of the agreement which created this system; they are Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United kingdom, and the United States or simply AUSCANZUKUS. The exact

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The Echelon Watch Must Become Accountable. Whether or not the Echelon watch truly exists is something that has been debated by public and government alike for many years now.  According to the United States government as well as the National Security Agency the Echelonprogram does not exist in any way, shape or form.  The truth

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The Banking Elite, Through the NSA’s Echelon Advanced Spy Satellites, Can See and Hear Any Opposition to Their Plan for Totalitarian Global Community. The Echelon advanced satellite spy system is probably the biggest attack on the privacy rights of people worldwide than any other black government project.  The National Security Agency (NSA) is the most

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Effects of Single Parent Families are Broken Hearts and Despair. The major effects of single parent families are the hearts that get broken and the deep wound of separation that leads to depression. There are some mothers that choose to raise a child without the father ever present and even in those rare circumstances the

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