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Debt to Success System - Page 171 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

The Federal Reserve Act, Signed Into Effect on December 23, 1913 by Woodrow Wilson, Has Been Widely Debated Ever Since.  The Federal Reserve Act has many opponents, some of which are taking up petitions and legal action, to try and abolish America’s central banking authority. The inner workings of the Federal Reserve System are a

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When Federal Reserve Banks Increase Money Supply, They Devalue the Dollar and With Absolute Intention They Bring You Closer to Bankruptcy Everyday. When the Federal Reserve Banks increase money supply, they decrease the value of the dollars in your pocket. This is the true reason your quality of life is going down. This is why

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Federal Reserve Bank Fraud is Allowing the Destruction of the US Economy by a Handful of Elite Families Who Control the Government. Most people do not understand that the Federal Reserve is not regulated by the government. They believe the “Fed” to be those individuals they see on TV, typically the head of the organization,

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The Definition of Free Market is Different From the Reality that is Going on Now, Where Without State Control We Have Imperialist Organizations that Set up Their Control A look into the definition of free market shows it to be a market that is free of government intervention and regulation. It is supposedly to be

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Women Single Parents Can Become More Reliant on The Government. There are more women single parents than there are male single parents and that makes it ever so harder on the children that have to deal with this. When the male figure is missing it makes the job of parenting much harder for the woman

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Why EPA Standards Aren’t All They Appear to be. The world is much more confusing than many people give it credit for. We all assume that the government of America is working with our best interests in mind. The government however doesn’t care about us. The only thing that the government cares about is making

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