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Debt to Success System - Page 176 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

The Echelon Surveillance Network is Used to Spy on People at Home and Abroad.  The Echelon surveillance network is one of the most frightening pieces of technology in the world, as it is a system that is used in order to spy on people.  Echelon is used by the United States, UK, Australia, Canada and

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The Dallas Federal Reserve Bank is Controlled by the Global Elite Banking Cabal to Further Their Agenda For a One World Banking System. Just like the entire Federal Reserve System, the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned and controlled by the criminal banking cabal. It is through this system Americans have been deceived, controlled

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The Newest Cyberbullying and Internet Safety Bill is Not What it Pretends to be, so be Aware of Political Agenda Hiding in The Midst of it. Recapping a little, the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act was established after a teen killed herself after a former schoolmate’s mother unleashed a psychological attack on her via a

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Who Owns the Federal Reserve is Not Who the General Public Thinks it is, but Rather a Secret Cabal of Private Bankers With Family Lineages Tied to the Illuminati.  Who owns the Federal Reserve System? This is a question that more people need to be paying close attention to. In school, we all learned the

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Will the Democracy in Ancient Rome be America’s Democracy That Leads to Tyranny? According to historians the democracy in Ancient Rome began around the year 449BC and ended in the year 133BC. The word democracy comes from the Greek and means the rule of the individuals or by the people and for the people (in

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Curbing Global Warming is a Way to Make Money by Lying to the Public. The Government Uses Fear of Climate Change to Control the Masses & Make Them Depend on Gov. Curbing global warming is not a necessity. In fact, it’s proven to be a swindle by actual climate scientists. When the public believes everything

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