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Debt to Success System - Page 2 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

America’s War Against Terrorism is Fake. The US Government is the Terrorist; They Commit Terrorist Acts to Create Fear of Terror at Home to Control the Masses. It is becoming widely known and accepted that Americas war against terrorism is a massive scam that has been perpetrated against the American people, and it will most

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American Debtor Education is Now Mandated by Congress. People in Debt Will be Forced to Learn Why but Will That Save Them From Credit Schemes Rigged by Evil Bankers? American debtor education is a legally required mandate that states that debtors must take a debtor education course in order to be able to file for

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Learn the Korean War Facts as They Relate to How the CFR-led U.S. Government Stopped General Douglas MacArthur From Winning in Korea at the Price of American Lives. Let’s examine the Korean War facts that relate to World War II hero, General Douglas MacArthur. When you’re done here, you can read our article, Disturbing Facts

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Advocates for Abortion and Congress Are Often on Opposite Sides. The Government Has no Right to Take Your Right to Choose What is Best for You. Abortion and Congress met head on with the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case of 1973 which overturned all laws banning or restricting abortion rights before the seventh month

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Accession to the European Union and the North American Union Are Paths for the Global Elite’s Goal of a One World Globalist Government Controlling All Commerce. How can a state legally become a member of the EU? Acession to the European Union, how does this mechanism work exactly? How can one country join this conglomerate

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Debates About Consumers and NAFTA Issues Continue Today. A Program That Was Meant to Stimulate the Economy Once Again Leaves Americans Holding the Bag for Globalists. Consumers and NAFTA are closely linked. Early in his presidency, President Barack Obama said publicly that that NAFTA was oversold to the American people. NAFTA’s economic growth was never

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