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Debt to Success System - Page 226 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

The Bush Terrorism War is Being Waged Against The American People. The Bush terrorism war as it is still being waged in the United States was a classical case of political bait and switch. In the first place, the CIA and the United States have been interfering in the internal affairs and waging war on

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So Why Were The Bush Wiretapping Efforts Allowed to Continue? In the days following the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the people were desperate for some reassurance of action from the U.S. government. The nation had been violated when the planes struck the World Trade Center Towers in the heart of New York City. Followed

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Bush Wiretapping Program Violates Federal Law on Surveillance. While the Founding Fathers drafted the United States Constitution to prevent just what happened in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in the case of domestic wiretaps, the modern day Republicans simply scrapped the Constitution to wiretap their own and undoubtedly the Bush wiretapping program violates federal

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Brzezinski Cofounded the Trilateral Commission to Promote One World Government. Brzezinski cofounded the Trilateral Commission with his partner, David Rockefeller. Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a book called ‘Between Two Ages’ in 1970 that praised the formation of a single world government. He also wrote that he considered the United States obsolete. When David Rockefeller read the

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Broadcast Journalism Jobs Are known to Alter a Person’s Character. Those who Produce News Programming Expect Their Journalists to Accept and Project the Elite Agenda. Can broadcast journalism jobs change a person’s values? There is no question this happens, virtually to everyone going into this field. It is readily evident that those who choose this

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Looking up Britney Spears Womanizer Lyrics Gives the Elite More Power. The elite would like to encourage everyone to spend more time looking up Britney Spears Womanizer lyrics instead of paying attention to what is going on in the world around them. The elite would like for you to not pay attention to the things

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