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Blog Category: Energy & Utilities

Those Testing Alternative Free Energy Have Been Victim of Deaths and Threats for Decades in America. Elites Control the Energy Paradigm and Withhold Beneficial Solutions. Alternative free energy is something that is an honest possibility. Sources of energy coming from other than traditional fossil fuels are abundant, but those who control energy would never allow

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Elites Hide Alternative Energy Technology From Us. The Ruling Class Keeps People Enslaved to the Current Energy Paradigm While Hiding Energy That is Green and Low Cost. The most important thing to note about alternative energy sources is that they work efficiently and produce a vast quantity of usable energy, but the global elitists want

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Working Free Energy Devices Are Suppressed by Elites. Oil Barons Like the Rockefeller Family Use Powerful Influence to Keep Us Enslaved to Fossil Fuel. Working free energy devices are becoming more common than ever, but the problem is, the creators of the devices are not able to get a patent because the patent office has

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Elites Hide Alternative Energy Technology From Us. The Ruling Class Keeps People Enslaved to the Current Energy Paradigm While Hiding Energy That is Green and Low Cost. The most important thing to note about alternative energy sources is that they work efficiently and produce a vast quantity of usable energy, but the global elitists want

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Development of Alternative Energy Sources Has Traditionally Been Squelched. Global Elites Want Americans Dependent on Traditional Energy to Enrich the NWO Rulers. Clean, renewable, alternative energy sources are all around us. While Americans find themselves hurting for energy, the United States government has been silent. The technology is available yet our leaders fall short. The energy

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Alaska Oil Pipelines and Gull Island Reserves Raise Questions Concerning Gas Price Manipulation. The Energy Non-Crisis is a book written by Lindsey Williams, a man who worked in close contact with Alaska oil pipelines construction workers. Lindsey worked as a chaplain assigned to the advisory panel of Atlantic Richfield & Co, and he was thus

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