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Blog Category: Environment

The Global Warming Myth is Used to Get you Accept Lies.  The banking mafia has been lying to you about your responsibility in the state of the planet by using the global warming myth.  They would like for you to believe that the world has undergone a change in climate due to the effect that

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Environmental Protection Agency EPA Press Honesty was Absent on September 11, Leading to Many More Deaths. The environmental protection agency EPA press releases were all a bunch of lies directly after that tragic day, on September 11.  Once the “attack” was over and the clear up had begun, an ominous mix of toxic airborne chemicals wafted

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How Evidence for Global Warming Loses Heat Up Close. The evidence for global warming is complex, highly emotional and extremely dubious. For those who don’t following environmental news, global warming is a diagnostic theory developed to explain several dramatic events and climatologic developments in recent history.  The theory asserts that man-made pollutants are causing the

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EPA Fails to Enforce Regulations Aiding Conspiracy. We are indoctrinated to think that our government exists only to protect and serve us.  Many have a hard believing that those who have sworn to protect us are actively working against our best interests and long ago sold our freedom and liberty to the highest bidder.  Our

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The Effect of Global Warming is Difficult to Realistically Ascertain. Global warming is a very popular and publicized issue that just about every person in the free world has heard of. Pollution is going to kill our world! We must out a stop to the damage and destruction that polluters are wreaking on our poor,

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One Fact About Global Warming is That it is Hyped by the Government and the Media. Climate Change is as Old as the Hills but Taxation & Control Benefit NWO.  The one true fact about global warming is that it doesn’t exist. The global-warming bandwagon is politically motivated, has nothing to do with science, and

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