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Blog Category: Globalization

Global Positioning System Maps Indoctrinate for Control. People Become Accustomed to Being Watched in Their Daily Lives and Accept Police State Rule Willingly. Without much ado, the government can create global positioning system maps that show the whereabouts, past and present, of any person living in the United States. This technology further enables global elites

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A Big Brother Via Global Positioning System Overview. The satellite system known as NAVSTAR provides the framework for everyone in the world to be tracked. NAVSTAR is a system of about 30 satellites that provide the locating abilities for the entire world. While many enjoy the gadgets that GPS systems enable us to have, it

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Among the Functions of a Central Bank Are Stabilization of the Currency and the Supply of Money, but They Are Also to Create Economic Instability. The functions of a central bank the ability to control interest rates on loans which then either promote or restrict lending, to manage inflation and deflation, and, by proxy, to

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Free Government Satellite Maps Are Online But There is a Price. Invasion of Privacy Becomes Commonly Accepted in Police State. While searching for online satellite pictures of your home you might be amazed just how many homes across the country can be found. Even homes that are in the middle of nowhere can be seen

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Future Uses of Biometrics Include Human Tracking. The Banking Elite Backed Government Will Stop at Nothing to Achieve Total Control Over Us in Their NWO Regime. The future uses of biometrics have been staple elements of science fiction movies and books for years. Now, the actual uses of biometrics are here to stay. We are

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A Global Positioning Systems Device Is A Perfect Tool Of Tyranny. Did you know that your handy global positioning systems device is spying on you? Very few know that there are applications that are used to track people with the receiver. Everyone has seen these gadgets in spy movies, but these things really exist. People

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