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Blog Category: Globalization

The GPS Global Positioning System is Used by the U.S. Government to Spy on Innocent Citizens.  A world in which the government knows ones whereabouts at all times may seem like the work of a science fiction novel. But with the development and usage of RFID technology, the mass usage of this is right around

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Global Positioning Technology is Promoting Newer Applications to Keep More People Using It. Global Positioning Technology heavily promoted to hook more people into using it and the more people use it the more the government can tap into our private lives.  FISA or the foreign intelligence surveillance act what really the only law protecting citizens

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Global Positioning System Cars are the Governments Latest Method for Tracking Our Movements. Global positioning system cars are a relatively new, but since it had such great success it has become available in a lot more vehicles. GPS or global positioning is comprised of a group of 24 satellites that orbit the earth continuously providing

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Many Believe the Georgia Guide Stones Send a Clear and Unmitigated Message to the World. They Claim the Stones Outline the Global Elite Commandments for the Planet’s Future. The Georgia Guide Stones were erected in 1980 in one of the highest points in Georgia in a remote location by parties unknown. They are 19 feet

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The Federal Reserve System Actions Affect Our Lives Because Money Equals Freedom and the Federal Reserve is Taking Away Both. The general public needs to be made aware of the Federal Reserve System actions. Since December of 1913, the United States of America has had a privatized banking body controlling its money and the valuation

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The Federal Reserve Structure Was Created by the Banking Elite to Benefit Their Ruling Class Control Over the World’s Money and Population. Many Americans may be unaware of the fact that the Federal Reserve structure is, in reality, a private business entity and illegal. According to the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 5,

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