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Blog Category: Globalization

The Federal Reserve is a Fraud, Blinding the U.S. Populace While Enslaving Future Generations With Debt to Ruling Class Bankers With the Consent of Our Government. The Federal Reserve is a fraud, hidden behind a wall of lies since its inception and thriving on deceit. The very name “Federal Reserve” is an illusion considering it

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Our Federal Reserve Problem is That it is Run by the Elite. We Can End the Fed and Build a Real Economy Based on the Vast Resources America Has Available. The mayhem in the world can usually be blamed on the Federal Reserve problem because it is run by the most corrupt individuals the world

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In 1913 the Federal Reserve Notes History Began With a Fraudulent U.S. Central Bank That Continues to Steal Wealth From Americans to This Day. The Federal Reserve notes history is a story of the greatest fraud ever pulled on the American people. Before 1913 and the Federal Reserve, our money was actually backed up by

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Read the Truth About Federal Reserve Information and Their Intentions. Our Country Has Been Stolen Out From Beneath Us at the Hands of the International Bankers. Federal Reserve information: The Federal Reserve, or the Fed, functions as America’s central bank lender of last resort and guardian of the money supply. Part of their responsibility is

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The Federal Reserve is a Privately Held For-profit Organization Owned by Ancient Lines of Banking Families Working Together Toward a New World Order. Have you ever wondered who the Federal Reserve owners are? The first thing to understand is that even though the Fed’s name makes it sound like a government organization, it’s not. Take

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The Real Federal Reserve Owner is the Elite Group of Banking Families With Ties to the Ancient Illuminati Who Are Working Toward a New World Order. The elite would like for you to believe the Federal Reserve owner is the US government and, as such, belongs to the people. They do not want for you

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