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Blog Category: Globalization

Broadcast Journalism Jobs Are known to Alter a Person’s Character. Those who Produce News Programming Expect Their Journalists to Accept and Project the Elite Agenda. Can broadcast journalism jobs change a person’s values? There is no question this happens, virtually to everyone going into this field. It is readily evident that those who choose this

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Distraction with Britney Spears Discography Allows the New World Order to be Put in Place. Britney Spears discography and other artists help distract the masses from important issues. The elite in the global banking cabal and multinationals have been working on a plan for one world government for many years. Former President George HW Bush

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The Close Parallel Between British Socialism and American Socialism Are Signs of the Global Banking Elite Expanding Their Power and Control. British socialism entailed a longer process than it did here in the U.S., but the results have been more solid and socially accepted. As with the Americans, the strongest coagulator of socialistic thought in

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Who Belongs to the Bohemian Grove Club? The Bohemian Grove is a private campground on a large piece of land outside of San Francisco that is only used for meetings of the Bohemian Club. The grounds are made up of 160 acres of old growth California Redwood forest. The land nearby is systematically being clear-cut

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Biometric Authorization is an Invasion of Privacy. People Believe That Their Safety Depends Upon Sacrificing Boundaries of Where the Government Can Invade Their Lives. Biometric authorization is one way that employers can keep track of their employees while they are on the job. But biometrics plays a far more important role these days than keeping

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Biological Warfare and the United Nations are Part of a Depopulation Plan. If you were a member of the global elite and you wanted to wipe out large swaths of people that you considered undesirable or not fit to live how would you go about getting rid of them? Large scales use of weapons or

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