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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

The Child Adolescent Mental Health Service And Their Treatment of Nonexistent Mental Health Conditions. The pharmaceutical companies have teamed up the government program for child adolescent mental health service to drug the children of America for a disease that does not exist. Millions of children are being prescribed medication for a disease that is all

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Child Adolescent Mental Health Services Should be Used, But Not Overused. The child adolescent mental health services vary depending on the area in which you live. These services could abound in large cities, but could be virtually non-existent in small towns. The small towns are not equipped to deal with child or adolescent mental health

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Child And Adolescent Mental Health Issues Are Not as Common as People Think. The mental health professionals in the United States of America would have people believe the mental illness is widespread in children. Child and adolescent mental health issues are not however, prevalent in society today, they tend to be blown out of proportion.

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False Child Mental health Case Study Are Enabling The Government to Control The Minds of The Youth. The government is using false child mental health case study reports to trick a nation of parents into giving their children mind altering drugs for illnesses that do not exist. In the fifties all children were hyperactive and

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Child Mental Health Professionals Get Healthy Profits From Labeling Your Kids, but Your Children Are the Ones Who Suffer the Consequences; Boycott the AMA/FDA. It has been discovered that child mental health professionals often have financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies. Many examples exist, and you can just type “psychiatrist financial ties pharmaceutical” into Google

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