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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

People Complain That the Block Drug Company is Corrupt. Drug Companies Work in Cahoots With the FDA and the AMA to Brainwash the Public Into Believing They Need Drugs. The DTSS review of Block Drug Company is synonymous with the drug industry. This company has been around for so long that it would be hard

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A Complete List of Pharmaceutical Companies Must Include “Big Pharma” Giants. These Sinister Monsters Work Hand in Hand With the AMA & FDA to Poison the Population. Although there are literally hundreds on the list of pharmaceutical companies around the world, only the most wealthy and powerful of them have become extremely dangerous to the

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The History of American Family is Riddled With Strife. A Systematic Deconstruction of all Things Which Are Truly Important to a Healthy Society is Underway in NWO USA. The history of American family began with the kids living with both parents, and the mom stayed home while the father provided for his family. Now the

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Drug Companies Profit on People’s Misery. Our American Medical Establishment is Backwards, it is Designed to Sicken the Masses and Make Them Dependent on Poisonous Cures. Drug companies profit from your illnesses. During the past years, the United States economy has been struggling with unemployment that has reached its highest level in decades. A record-setting

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Practices of Assessment in Mental Health Are Pushing a Hidden Agenda. Doctors of the NWO Use Mental Health Assessments as a Shakedown for Money. This DTSS review today is that receiving an assessment in mental health is commonplace in America. The field of psychology and psychiatry has changed from one in which doctors put the

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Parents Must Stop Assessing Adolescent Mental Health. People Are Realizing the Importance of Preventing Profit-Hungry Psychiatrists From Ruining Their Kids. Assessing adolescent mental health is really big business. When kids and teens are placed under a forced psychiatric screening program, drug sales rocket. Studies of such programs show that more than 24 percent are placed

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