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Blog Category: Media & Information

A New Law in the Cyberbullying Books Will Terminate Freedom by Quoting a Rare Case of Internet Death to Distort the Need to Further Crush the First Amendment. Looking back, the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act was inserted into the legal cyberbullying books in reaction to a bizarre case. A teen killed herself in reaction

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Corporate Spying by Employers Has Become Increasingly Common, Particularly in High-Tech Offices. Although This May Seem Reasonable, it is a Clear Violation of One’s Rights. Corporate spying is becoming more and more common both in the United States and around the world. Sophisticated electronic technology and other means are pressed into service to keep and

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Corporate Reality TV is Designed to Subvert Freedom. While the Masses Stare Like Zombies Into the “Magic Picture Box,” Sinister Globalist Rulers Are Subverting Freedom. Corporate reality TV is a huge joke and a waste of one’s time. While Americans struggle to make it daily, television and the media prepare to waste our time once

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The Corporate Media Ownership in America and the Reality Behind Their Coverage Proves They are in Bed With the Ruling Class Who Create an Altered Perspective. How accurate can the news be with the rampant corporate media ownership in America? Millions of Americans make watching the nightly news their final act of the day before

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The Outlandish Control of Big Brother is Very Much the Way Orwell Described. An All Knowing, All Powerful, All Seeing Government is Grinding Our Freedoms Into the Ground. The Control of Big Brother in the famous novel by George Orwell was a totalitarian ruling party that ruthlessly controlled the people’s every move. Americans are under

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The Consolidation of US Media Ownership is Creating Corporate Biased News Articles; Money Controls the Truth in U.S. Nearly everyone remembers the investigative journalism of the past like deep throat in the Nixon ear. In those times the media was owned by separate individuals and each separate organization was trying to get the best story

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