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Blog Category: Media & Information

The Cons of Domestic Wiretapping Will Enlighten on The Powers of The Elite. The cons of domestic wiretapping are numerous. They far outweigh the pros. When our right to privacy is ignored, our fundamental rights are all ignored. You can see our freedoms removed, one by one. All done in an effort for more power

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What is Consolidated Media? Here are Important Facts You Need to Know About How the Media Affects Your Daily Life and Why Free Press Must be Dearly Protected in America. The media as we know it has a purpose to educate the masses with useful information and also to entertain. “God is in the TV”,

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Consolidation of the American Media Delivered Major Consequences for the Destruction of Our Constitution and the Freedom and Rights of the People of America. Consolidation of the American media has major consequences that many people may not even realize because to stay informed, the average person relies on reading newspapers and watching the evening news.

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Confidentiality and FISA Regulations Mean That U.S. Citizens no Longer Have a Right to Privacy. Telecommunications Companies Must Produce Contact Information of Subscribers. Confidentiality and FISA cannot coexist. All privacy has been sacrificed on the altar of this unconstitutional legislation. FISA is an acronym for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Without founded suspicion, our government has

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With US Computer Surveillance System Privacy is Gone. The computer surveillance system put in place by the US government has abolished all rights to privacy for citizens of this country. The US government has made a case for this system by stating that it is only protecting citizens from terrorist acts. However, in order to

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Big Brother Takes Computer Surveillance Software a Little Too Far. How do you really feel about computer surveillance software? Do you even know how far the government has gone to violate your basic right of privacy and security? In the name of protecting your “rights” and your “security” and your ‘freedoms’ the government has reached

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