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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Shadow Banking System is a Polite Term For Unreported, Unregulated Banking Practices Which Allow the Elite Bankers Freedom to Run the World. The debt-creating, dollar-printing activities of the Federal Reserve Banks and the fractional reserve banking practices of the retail banks are not enough for the elite. America has also suffered the consequences of

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Shire Pharmaceutical is a Corporate Giant That Helps Itself to Your Money While Enslaving Your Mind. Shire Pharmaceutical is a multibillion dollar corporation that produces medicines for the American people. The pharmaceutical business earns these corporate giants unimaginably large sums of money each year.  When profit is your only objective, there are many ways that

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The U.S. Should Abolish the Federal Reserve. Our Country is on the Brink of Economic Collapse as a Direct Result of the Criminal Banking Elites at the Fed. Questioning whether the U.S. should abolish the Federal Reserve Banking System creates fear in most people. This tells us just how far we have come down the

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The Simple Explanation About Health Care is That the Banking Mafia is Looking For a New Way to Take Control Of the American Masses. The criminal banking mafia has been looking for some time to be able to gain the control they need to be able to create a New World Order. They do not

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We’ve Been Ensnared in Slavery for Unpaid Debts Ever Since the Fraudulent Federal Reserve was Allowed Into Existence. For many, discussing slavery for unpaid debts includes the crimes committed against people such as African Americans, Japanese Americans (WWII), or Native Americans.  While these are crimes that need to be talked about and dealt with, we’d

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The Social Displacement Caused by Our Suffering Economy. Social displacement is on the rise in our society today.  More than ever before folks have to take to living in the street as there is no other choice.  But key to this situation is our own lack of awareness as to the real cause.  The Council

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