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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Public Misunderstands the Fed Because of the Non-transparency of Its Actions. This Group of Criminal Bankers is Intentionally Deceiving Us. The public misunderstands the Fed and its function in our so-called democracy. This misunderstanding is not entirely the public’s fault. When the media speaks of the Fed it implies a reference to a number

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Public Services Through Privatization is a Ploy to Increase Power. The providing of public services through privatization can damage consumer economics in a number of specific ways, not to mention cause greater poverty in already impoverished areas.  Privatization opens the door for decreased government regulation on the profits made and processes used by private corporations

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Purchasing Power, Money, and Price in America. Understand How the Elite Manipulate the System to Make Money From Nothing as They Accumulate Real Assets. Understand that the elite know fully the concept of purchasing power, money, and price.  Those that are currently stealing your wealth and labor through your debt, taxes, and foreclosures know exactly

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Qualities of a Leader: Obama Used by Banking Cabal to Deceive the Masses. Some of us may think that President Barack Obama exhibits all the qualities of a leader. He has the ability to inspire confidence in the masses with his skillful rhetoric and charm. However, his air of confidence is nothing more than a

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The Quality Health Care You and All Americans Want Will be Impossible Unless You’re Rich. Quality health care will be disappearing in America.  We are headed for socialized medicine with Obama’s health care package.  The New World Order is moving in, and Obama is just a puppet in their plans.  His double-talk only serves to

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Price Manipulation by Large Corporations and Banks Squeezing Family Finances During a Global Recession. In hard times everyone needs a little help, and there is no doubt about the fact we’ve reached that state of play now. However, during good and bad times our banks and large multinationals are all intent on making things worse

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