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Blog Category: Pharmaceuticals

The Truth About Bulk Dietary Supplements Restrictions. The use of bulk dietary supplements have become quite common, particularly with athletes. These supplements have taken the sport industry by storm as more and more supplements have been made and they have made it possible for athletes to bulk up. The legality of a few supplements and

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Protecting Your Brain Chemicals is Important to a Healthy Life. Most people take for granted that their brain chemicals will always be in the right proportions because it is the body’s job to maintain them. This has been true throughout history, but the modern society is not a healthy environment for most people to be

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Balkan Pharmaceuticals Has The United States Government and FDA In the Palm of Its Hand. Large Drug Manufacturers Are in Business to Make Profits Not Help People. Balkan Pharmaceuticals is located in Europe, and it exports many of its drugs such as Tamoxifen, Hydrocodone, and Amoxicillin into the United States. Balkan is also a major

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Why is Baby Vaccination Coming Under Scrutiny? Officials Deny an Autism Association With Vaccinations but Much Evidence Exists to Show a Direct Link. Just a single baby vaccination has a great deal of risk associated with it. Sadly, most people are unaware of just how many children have suffered permanent disability or died as a

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An Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Industry Reveals a Corporate Elite Stranglehold on the American Health Care System. Be Aware That They Don’t Truly Care About You. An analysis of pharmaceutical companies shows they are one of the most corrupt industries in the Unites States and around the world. Pharmaceutical orgaaizations, directed by global elites, prey

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American Psychiatric Association Conferences Are Venues for Drug Sales. Too Many Doctors Are Willing to Prescribe Medication Rather Than Cure a Condition. American Psychiatric Association conferences are just another way to push more drugs on the public. All the lectures and so-called “science” presented are designed to encourage Americans towards an acceptance of drug relief,

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