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Blog Category: Science & Technology

Speech Recognition Device so Much More Than Hardware. Understanding that a speech recognition device is nothing more than a means of control will get you off the fact that this is such an amazing technology. Much like biometrics, speech recognition is opening doors that are helping the banking mafia in their quest for world domination.

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Most Speech Recognition History Minimizes Problems With Speech Recognition Software and Devices. Who hasn’t encountered those annoying menus that require you to speak your selections aloud for a computer automated system?  How many times have you gotten annoyed because the systems never work properly, and the speech recognition capabilities are less than stellar?  Speech recognition

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Speech Recognition Info Being Kept Quiet to Hide the Nature of the Beast. Speech recognition info on the surface seems harmless and helpful. Sadly what we see and what we get are two completely different ends of the spectrum. American citizens are so hungry for new technology there are people that wait for the release

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The Speech Recognition Program is Opening the Door to Further Monitoring by the Government. Elite Rulers Seek to Eliminate All Privacy in the New World Order. A speech recognition program has many functions, and one of them is to help gain access to your location when a camera can’t. The banking mafia’s plan to always

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A Spy Drone Has Become A Weapon And Can Be Used To Kill Civilians Or Target Guided Missiles. The spy drone has transformed into an effective killing mechanism whereby a man seated behind a remote control can send a small drone across boundaries to a target and kill it. The development of drones into weapons

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Explanation of Spy NSA Program. While the idea of domestic wiretapping and a spy NSA agency seems like something one would find in dictatorships like the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, the National Security Agency’s wiretapping program is exists in the United States and similar ones in Europe and Canada.  The 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

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