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Blog Category: Science & Technology

School Surveillance is Designed to Make Student Comfortable With Big Brother Watching When They are Adults.  School surveillance has become common place in recent years and the justification is that violence in schools has lead to the need for this surveillance. In truth the surveillance has nothing to do with bullies and school violence, and

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Security Camera Surveillance Equipment: Big Brother is Watching Everything You do.  Security camera surveillance equipment is popping up everywhere and no matter where you live in North American you can be assured that you’ve been caught on video.  Although security companies and police officials may call this legal surveillance, the reality is that your privacy

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The Security Camera Surveillance System is a Guard And a Spy. The government uses surveillance cameras for two main reasons: to spy on the public and to safeguard information and things that it wishes to protect/ The security camera surveillance system at Iron Mountain in Pennsylvania, for example, tirelessly guards the safest depository in the

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Security Camera Video Surveillance and the Creep of Big Brother; Government is Watching us to Destroy Privacy. Security camera video surveillance is all around us and is growing fast. The rate of growth is accelerating and the number of areas of our lives which are affected by this is also growing. Whenever we go out

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Security Software Surveillance: Our Right to Privacy is Threatened as Surveillance Cameras Are Installed Everywhere. Security software surveillance is becoming more and more common and is being used everywhere to keep an eye on everything we do.  As the technology for video surveillance becomes even more advanced, the options for using surveillance will become even

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You’re Being Watched by Security Surveillance Camera Equipment Right Now!  George Orwell’s terrifying vision of the future in 1984 depicts a tyrannical state who maintains control of it’s populace by economic and political oppression with constant surveillance means to those ends.  While dismissed as dystopian science fiction by most, the 1984 of Orwell’s pen and

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