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Debt to Success System - Page 126 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

GPS Child Tracking Device is a Set-up to Make Parents Afraid and to Get Them to Erroneously Trust the Government. A GPS child tracking device is being sold to parents whose lives are busy with bills and house notes. The world we live in is very different from what it could be. Adults are so

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GPS Global Positioning System Satellites are in Position to Track Your Every Move. GPS Global Positioning System Satellites are in position around the entire globe to track your every move.  There are three major systems up and running or in final stages of development and they are located in the U.S., Germany, Rome and Russia. 

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Global Positioning System Devices Have Been Introduced Into Consumer Products.  If you have been in an electronics store recently you have noticed that nearly every gadget can double as global positioning system devices.  The elite have made sure that no matter what it is that you want to do that there is a device out

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The Global Positioning System Automobile is Part of the Plan to Control You. The global positioning system automobile is the wave of the future.  Most new cars are equipped with GPS technology.  It makes it easy to navigate the city and to know exactly where you are.  The trouble is, it allows Big Brother to

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The Head of the Federal Reserve is Put in Place by the Most Powerful Banking Cabal in the World in Order to Fulfill Their One World Government Agenda.  The working public believes the head of the Federal Reserve (the Fed) is accountable to the president of the United States. However, the Fed controls our global

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Freedom From Speech Leads to Censorship. Communication in a Free Society is Vital and Drawing Lines of What Communication is Acceptable Will Lead to Police-State Oppression.  Freedom from speech has shown the United States that freedom of speech is far from absolute. There are restrictions on speech that is supposed to be free, which causes

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