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Debt to Success System - Page 159 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

The Faith of the Founding Fathers is Quite a Misunderstood Facet of the Beginnings of the United States. Is the USA Really a Christian Nation? There are a lot of misconceptions about the faith of the Founding Fathers. Some say they were all atheists, others say they were Deists. In reality there wasn’t just one

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The Fed Began at Jekyll Island in a Shroud of Secrecy. Lies Have Been Used to Hide the True Purpose of the Fed Which is to Enrich and Empower the Global Banking Elite. The Fed began at Jekyll Island. Mention the name Jekyll and most people will immediately think of the famous Doctor Hyde and

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The Direct Energy Weapon is Going to Change the Way Wars Are Fought in the Future. DEWs are a reality of the modern day world and they have already been tested under a variety of battlefield conditions. In fact, they may be common practice within the next decade, revolutionizing how the game of war is

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Who Nominated the Current Supreme Court Justice? Current Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens was nominated and appointed to the Supreme Court during the Gerald Ford presidency and turns 89 this year, he is a sole candidate to step down and give Barack Obama a chance to nominate a new Associate Justice. Though this responsibility

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The Grip of Fascist Culture Tightens Over America. Corporate Control and Government Gone Powermad Are Two Sure Signs of the Growing US Police State. An alarming fascist culture is taking hold in the United States, marked by attributes such as a noticeable decline in civil liberties, aggressive militarism, and a surveillance society designed to muffle

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The European Union Objective is to Eliminate Sovereignty For the States. The European Union objective is not to unite the union in order to make Europe stronger, but instead it has the goal of eliminating state and country rights in order to create one government for the people.  The EU wants to completely eliminate borders

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