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Debt to Success System - Page 26 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

TETRA Wave Radiation Created by Elite Ruling Class to Make You Sick, Force Citizens into Medical Industrial Complex! Why is it that we do not hear more about the dangers of TETRA cell phone signals? For anyone suffering more than the inconvenience of TV interference, the specific health concerns around what is referred to as

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Texas Governor Rick Perry Aims too High and Wants to Secede from the Union and Start off as President of the Free and Independent Nation of Texas.  Texas Governor Rick Perry came 47th in line in the history of Governors of Texas. Starting off his term as governor in the year 2002, he was re-elected

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Texas State Child Protective Services Trickery. Texas State Child Protective Services (CPS)is using dirty tricks to take Texan children from homes, at alarming rates. Former Speaker of the House from Texas, Jim Wright one said about gaining the upper hand with any opponent, “Ah only want to Hep yew”. This is similar to dirty tricks

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The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Created the Idea of a Citizen and Country of the United States. Sovereign Status Fades Fast in NWO. The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution of the United States is the first of what are commonly known as the “Reconstruction Amendments”. These amendments were passed after the Civil

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The 1913 Federal Reserve Act is in Direct Contradiction to the U.S. Constitution Yet Has the Full Support of Our Puppet President and Congress. The 1913 Federal Reserve Act allows the Federal Reserve Banks to follow rules set forth in the act, but those rules have always been met with controversy. For example, the United

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Successful Leader: World Leaders are Ensured Political Success if They Further the Interests of International Bankers, Oil Tycoons, Royalty and Multinational Corporation Owners. What is the mark of a successful leader? Many believe that a great leader is one who is charismatic, confident, has integrity, and acts decisively. The reality is that none of these

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