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Blog Category: Freedom

RFID and Privacy Concerns Need to be Realized Before RFID Becomes Even More Widespread. The government wants you to believe you cannot be safe as long as you have privacy, which is why RFID and privacy elimination are about to be a reality for every citizen of the United States.  The government wants people to

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The Satellite Image of Earth Shows Stunning Views, but the True Purpose is to Propagate the Destruction of Traditional American Values and Economically Enslave Our People. A Satellite Image of Earth shows a beautiful and wondrous planet. However, there are disturbing and Destructive features that can be seen from space. One of them is the

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Spying with Satellite Images of Houses has Become our Government’s Most Shocking Surveillance Tactic Yet. For many years it was denied by several government agencies, ours included, that worldwide surveillance systems existed. It is a little known fact to many everyday people that our own government can and does monitor our every move. The detection

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Radar and Satellite Images Are the Tools Our Government Uses to Invade Your Privacy. Our Government Insists on Their Right to Monitor Each Individual. On the 11th of September, radar and satellite images showed the world suffered more than one tragedy. By the end of the day, citizens of the United States, the world and

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Protest Against Iraq War and Find Yourself to be a Criminal. Protest against Iraq War has been made illegal.  The majority of Americans now believe that the war in Iraq is a mistake and it should not continue.  They understand that the world was lured into war under false pretenses and that the U.S.’s presence

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The Banking Cabal is Preparing Children for Future Globalization. The American Way is Being Destroyed as Our Kids Are Left Ignorant of Freedom. Those pushing the New World Order are preparing children for future Globalization. When you hear the words “Globalization” or “Global Community” coming from the mouths of today’s “leaders,” understand they mean New

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