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Blog Category: Globalization

Members of Yales Skull and Bones Society Have Taken Secret Oaths to Build an Elite, Totalitarian New World Order. Many U.S. Presidents Are the Dark Bonesmen. Yales Skull and Bones society is where members of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission come from. Inside secret societies, such as Skull and Bones, the elite

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The War on Terrorism and the Military Work Together To Achieve the Elitist Agenda. The war on terrorism and the military have both been tools of an oppressive tyrannical elitist plot to seize control of America, and eventually the world. There have been many cases of corruption in the military that have leaked online or

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA Lies go Way Back Including the 911 Coverup. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA has a history of not playing above board. Lie and lie seems to erupt from their mouths whether it’s related to 911 or the corruption of our food chain. The EPA was quick to downplay

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US EPA Fraud is a Cornerstone in the Banking Elite Scheme to Bilk Hundreds of Millions of Dollars From the American People. The Elites Just Smile and Say Thank You. America is seen as a wonderful country where we benefit from of freedoms. Many foreigners dream of being American because they will be given these

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War Conquest and Destruction in the Near Future. Whether we like it or not the major turning points in our world’s history have usually involved warfare of one kind or another. Traditionally, war conquest and other forms of state sanctioned violence usually have taken the form of nation-states fighting each other or factions within a

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What is Money but a Vehicle for the Banking Elite to Gain More Power Over us and Usher in Their One World Government. How the Production of Money is Used to Control Us. The concept o what is money can be looked at many ways. Money is a finite quantity widely held, even today, when

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