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Blog Category: Secret Societies

The Supreme Court Chief Justice, John G. Roberts Jr. Is An Elitist Puppet Groomed To Run Our Judicial System As They Command. The current Supreme Court Chief Justice is one of the most well connected men who could ever have taken that pivotal role in our judicial system. John G. Roberts Jr. has innumerable ties

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The Surveillance Drone is a Popular Government Tool Used to Spy on Us All the While Claiming it is to Protect Us From Terrorists.  The surveillance drone is one of the governments most used tools to spy on the American people. And when we protest that our civil liberties have been violated, we are told

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Solutions to Overpopulation Include Strategies Developed by the Ruling Class to Include Murder, Referred to as Abortion, Deception and Control Over Procreation Rights. There are many proposed solutions to overpopulation, but those who look into the matter more deeply will be disturbed by the facts of the matter. Throughout the world’s history this issue has

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The Secret Banking System Scam in America is Geared to Help the Global Elite Take Over the World Banking Structure by Establishing a Global Federal Reserve.  The secret banking system scam taking place in the United States is nothing more than a means to a well-planned end. The goal of the manufactured financial and banking

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Secret Societies and the New World Order Are Conspiring to Enslave Us. The ties between secret societies and the New World Order are becoming more and more apparent to many people around the globe. We hear many very disturbing stories about secret societies and key players in the New World Order, including occult and pagan

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Satellite Spy Equipment Can Be Used to Torture an Individual Target. Satellite spy equipment can be used to not only take images but also to torture a target by broadcasting images and sounds that bypass the normal patterns of hearing and go unnoticed by the target as an invasion and attack.  There are many ways

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