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Debt to Success System - Page 18 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

The European Union is an Political And Economic Union of Countries. The European Union was created in November of 1993, by the Treaty of Maastricht. There are currently 27 countries which are members of the union. The economic base for the EU was the European economic community, which was already in existence when the EU

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Is There Proof That America is Becoming the Fascist Police State Feared by Many? There have been whispers and rumblings in certain segments of the population that the U.S. is becoming the fascist police state many feared would happen ever since the ascendance of George W. Bush to the presidency under a cloud of suspicion

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The Federal Reserve Bank Enslaves America Rather Than Enriching it in Order to Take Control and Bring in a One World Banking System. Much has been made about the Obama Administration’s handling of the Federal Reserve Bank and the Wall Street bailouts. An astounding 700-billion dollars in taxpayer money was allocated to bollster the devastated

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The Federal Reserve Banking System is Controlled by the Global Elite and is Designed to Enslave Us and Create a One World Banking System. The Federal Reserve banking system can be credited with the collapse of the American economy as it controls all the money in the United States. With that control, it is able

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The Financial Crisis Can be Understood if You Are Prepared to Face Some Hard Truths and if You Accept That the U.S. Financial System is Run by Evil Men. Yes, there is a financial crisis in the U.S., and it is a financial crisis of incredible proportions. By the end of 2008 the U.S. private

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The All American Family Has Changed Into Something Our Grandparents Wouldn’t Recognize. Defining the all American family might prove to be difficult for some people, but there are very specific qualities that can be found in almost every family that holds to these ideals. Over the last few decades there has been a concerted effort

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