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Debt to Success System - Page 74 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Was the Origin of H1N1 a Natural Occurrence or Was it First Produced in a Laboratory? Evidence Shows H1N1 Was a New World Order Elite Practice Run and More is on the Way. The most probable theory about the origin of H1N1, the strain of so-called Swine Flu currently causing worldwide concern, is that it

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Obama Tea Party Protests Tell the Government to Stop Repressive Taxation. While there are many causes of the Revolutionary War, one action that pushed us towards war with England was the Boston Tea Party.  This organized and calculated move by the colonists of Boston galvanized the nation and encouraged people throughout all thirteen colonies that

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Is the Obama Stimulus Package Really Socialism in Disguise Even Though the Economic Crisis Was Manufactured by the Banking Elite to Line Their Pockets? Is the Obama stimulus package really socialism in disguise? We are told that America is a free country where anyone can do anything they want provided they don’t hurt someone else.

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The Post Election Obama Stance on the Second Amendment Changed After the Election.  During a run for elected office candidates are known for saying whatever it takes in order to get elected; either that or be so vague in their opinions that no one can really say what their actual stance is. While Obama has

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Actions Tell the Obama Position on Government Spending While His Campaign Platitudes Told Nothing but Lies. Obama is Plundering the U.S. Treasury for the NWO. Every presidential candidate says what they think voters want to hear and the Obama position on government spending was no exception. This is just the nature of the game of

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Obama on H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Says it is a Cause For Concern, but Not For Alarm. Medical martial law is the veiled threat behind statements made by Obama on H1N1, even though he insists that any vaccinations will remain voluntary.  Obama’s first statement about the virus was made on April 29th, 2009, just after

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