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Debt to Success System - Page 76 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

The Obama Bilderberger CFR Trilateral Connection and How it Affects the U.S. If you have not yet heard anything on the Obama Bilderberger CFR Trilateral connection then you’re about to discover some information that might shock you. Most of us don’t pay much attention to the cabinet appointments made by presidents because most of these

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Obama And Socialism Means Income Distribution; What is Really Going On with Obama’s Policies of Economic Plunder.  Obama and socialism means income distribution. Little did Joe the plumber know that Barack Obama was just scratching the surface when he answered Joe’s question with a desire to “spread the wealth around”. The discovery of a 2001

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Details Surrounding the Obama Citizenship Supreme Court Case Still Remain Unclear. The citizenship of our most current President has been under question since before he became President, so much so that the Obama citizenship Supreme Court case is still hanging in mid-air. It is clear that not many of the higher powers of the elite

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The Obama Bailout Plan Will Not Boost the Economy; Unprecedented Govt. Spending Sends Economy into Tailspin. The original bailout stimulus plans during the final quarter of 2008 were aimed to boost the economy, prop up the housing market and allow banks to continue borrowing money to businesses and the American public. This time the estimated

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Believing Obama and the Chicago Schools Make a Brighter Future Allows the Elite to Brainwash You Into Believing we Live in a True Democracy. The elite would like for you to believe there is a link between the strength of Obama and the Chicago schools he represented. One of the ways in which the media

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The Money Powers Taken and Held by the Privately Owned Central Banks is Destroying the Average Person. We Are Enslaved to Debt and Must Abolish the Federal Reserve System.  Today, we’ll provide you with a few facts, quotes and excerpts regarding the money powers held by the fraudulent and corrupted banking cabal. The banking cabal

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