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Blog Category: Environment

A Global Warming Scam by World Government t to Increase Your Taxes is the Latest Global Warming News. Big government is using their fear tactics to increase your taxes and charge you more for living with a global warming scam. The government wants you to believe that the earth is warming up and that if

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Any Unbelievers of HAARP Must Connect the Dots Between HAARP, Chemtrails, GM Food, Banking, and the New World Order. The Evidence is There if You Just Open Your Eyes. Any unbelievers of HAARP need to look into the project more extensively. HAARP stands for the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It’s a U.S. Air

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As You Ask, Are Chemtrails Poison From Above, Consider the Abundance of Evidence Which Supports a Yes Answer. Lines in Our Skies Aren’t Contrails Like the Govt. Says. Are Chemtrails poison from above? There are a great many ideas out there on what exactly Chemtrails are and what their purpose is. Some people are convinced

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Global Warming History is Manufactured to Sway the Opinions of the Masses. We Are Being Lied to in Order to Fill the Pockets of the Global Elite in This Giant Hoax. Global warming history is indeed rich, dating back to 1824 when French mathematician Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier discovered a slow increase in the earth’s

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Climate Change Negotiations Are Pointless. The Government Hypes Global Warming as a Means of Creating Fear While Giving New Reasons to Collect Taxes & Enrich Elites. Climate change negotiations are a con well documented by fake science and criminal elite support. Al Gore and his minions falsely claim that climate change is a fact, but

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Working Free Energy Devices Are Suppressed by Elites. Oil Barons Like the Rockefeller Family Use Powerful Influence to Keep Us Enslaved to Fossil Fuel. Working free energy devices are becoming more common than ever, but the problem is, the creators of the devices are not able to get a patent because the patent office has

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