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Blog Category: Secret Societies

Do the Elite Benefit When Reality Shows on Television Enjoy a Passionate Following? The latest fad is the TV reality show. Subjects of all type can be found in the genre, with one overriding theme. The reality show generally deal in the lowest common denominator-and they are nasty!! The entertainment value is interesting for about

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Price Manipulation by Large Corporations and Banks Squeezing Family Finances During a Global Recession. In hard times everyone needs a little help, and there is no doubt about the fact we’ve reached that state of play now. However, during good and bad times our banks and large multinationals are all intent on making things worse

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Pollution Free Energy Sources Are Concealed by the Elite to Keep People Enslaved to Oil Paradigm. Pollution free energy is something that the world is ready for, as global warming has taken a turn for the worse and the planet is in peril like never before. The damage that has been done to the planet

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Problems With The European Union Are Plentiful. No matter where in the world you go, when you create a union type of environment you are going to run into problems. When you open borders, it does not only let the positive aspects of society free travel, but also it allows for the negatives in society

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There is Political Corruption Throughout the World. Political corruption throughout the world is manifest in corporate interest and is the most prevalent means to attain power and wealth, utilizing government and law as its partners in crime.  The current economic crisis effecting the world today is a direct result of corporate power using deceit, manipulation,

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Political Corruption Throughout History Is Deeply Embedded In Government And Religion. Political corruption throughout history has been intricately and maliciously manipulated by entities of government and religion for centuries; the two are actually very intertwined and related. However, since the rise of the Roman Empire in biblical times, the process has greatly accelerated and is

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