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Blog Category: Secret Societies

The Federal Reserve Banking System is Controlled by the Global Elite and is Designed to Enslave Us and Create a One World Banking System. The Federal Reserve banking system can be credited with the collapse of the American economy as it controls all the money in the United States. With that control, it is able

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Enjoy the Following Quotes on the Federal Reserve as They Allow You to See the Fraud of Modern Money Creation. We Must Abolish the Fed and Return Our Freedom. “The result of this whole (Federal Reserve) system is massive debt at every level of society today. “The banks are in debt to the depositors, and

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The Aspartame Scandal is Ongoing Because Aspartame is Still Widely Used. The aspartame scandal is this: that a highly contentious additive – the most contested in FDA history – was approved by the FDA. They approved aspartame (E951) not because of the scientific evidence or the intrinsic nature of aspartame but because of political and

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In Sustainable Tyranny, Congress & Judiciary Must be Complicit. While tyranny of the majority or of the government in the United States has typically been confined to a specific period of time or administration, sustainable tyranny is possible if the tyrannous branch of government is supported by the other branches and public opinion.  During slavery,

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It’s Time People Start Rethinking Fluoride and its Impact on Our Minds. Rethinking fluoride and its use in our water and toothpaste is absolutely essential. Fluoride is a toxic waste. Fluoride is a poison. And it’s in your water.  Not only are you drinking it, but if you don’t use a shower filter, you’re allowing

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Surveillance Solutions May Not Really be About Crime. People Are Being Accustomed to Being Watched Everywhere They Go in the NWO; Big Brother Lives. Each year Americans around the world spend millions of dollars on surveillance solutions to keep themselves and their business safe. Although this sounds reasonable, Americans are increasingly subjected to constant sruveillance.

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