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Blog Category: Education

These Quotes About Inflation Will Help You Realize That What You Think You Know About Inflation and Who is Behind it Are Most Probably Wrong. “By a continuing process of inflation, government can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens.” – John Maynard Keynes. “Law of inflation: whatever goes

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Solar Flares Info that Changes our Perception. Official sources have talked us into believing that manmade carbon emissions are to be blamed for the climate changes we are currently experiencing around the world. It is true that weather patterns are changing and becoming increasingly unstable than we have seen in living memory. The Global Warming

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Police State Conditioning Through School and Surveillance Systems. When it comes down to the issue of school and surveillance methods used to “protect in school security” Americans need to wake up to the fact that these methods are unconstitutional. Not only are they unconstitutional, but these measures are leading to an even bigger problem for

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School Surveillance is Designed to Make Student Comfortable With Big Brother Watching When They are Adults.  School surveillance has become common place in recent years and the justification is that violence in schools has lead to the need for this surveillance. In truth the surveillance has nothing to do with bullies and school violence, and

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Why the Government Wants Single Parent Children and Alcohol Abuse as it Destroys Our Society. George Orwell was more than a writer; he was a visionary whose novel 1984 accurately predicted the future of totalitarianism through out the world.  While Orwell’s vision included an openly oppressive government that forcefully submitted its populace; our leaders have

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Single Parents Information Must be Examined.  Divorce rates are one source of single parents information that explains the speed in which the breakup of homes has occurred over the past few years. When you study single parents, you start to realize the factors that went into the breaking up of families, and the pressures that

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