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Blog Category: Energy & Utilities

Pollution Free Energy Sources Are Concealed by the Elite to Keep People Enslaved to Oil Paradigm. Pollution free energy is something that the world is ready for, as global warming has taken a turn for the worse and the planet is in peril like never before. The damage that has been done to the planet

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The Oil Reserves in United States Have Been Hidden From the World in Order to Create a System of Control. The oil reserves in United States have been lied about to the American people to drive foreign policy. The banking mafia would like for you to believe the only way to be able to keep

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Oil Reserves in the U.S. are Suppressed so Oil Companies can Continue to Rake in Fortunes. There are numerous oil reserves in the U.S. which have been withheld from public knowledge so that an elitist agenda might be strategically furthered. How does one make exponential profits from something that is available in abundance? This is

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Where Does Oil Reserve Funding Come From? Oil reserve funding is one of the biggest issues in the United States, probably because the United states consumes so much oil and spends a lot of time searching for oil reserves and a lot of money importing oil to help our growing oil habit. The United States

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Oil Pipeline Construction Condemns Countless Working People to Death and Misery. Oil pipeline construction concerns crassly create the cancerous contusions of critical conditions, killing American soldiers in the Afghan theatre of destruction. No erstwhile exit is in sight or inevitable. The creeping conflict threatens to thicken into Pakistani provinces. U.S. troops are also anchored around

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NYC Flyover Picture Provides Another Lost Opportunity to Reflect on Why U.S. Feels Threatened. One look at the NYC flyover picture from April 27, 2009, and it is obvious why New York officials were outraged. On that day, by design or by accident, the federal government failed to sufficiently advise New York City officials and

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