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Blog Category: Media & Information

Is Hidden Video Surveillance Affecting Your Rights and Should You be Concerned. Hidden video surveillance has been used a great deal more since 911 especially now that it is so easy to justify just why we need it.  While using it to keep an eye on criminal elements especially the terrorists makes a lot of

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Freedom From Speech Leads to Censorship. Communication in a Free Society is Vital and Drawing Lines of What Communication is Acceptable Will Lead to Police-State Oppression.  Freedom from speech has shown the United States that freedom of speech is far from absolute. There are restrictions on speech that is supposed to be free, which causes

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The Future of Reality TV Has Been Planned by Our Own Citizens. Our Government’s role, at the Behest of the Global Elite, is to Distract Americans From Actual Reality. The future of reality TV may actually hold the hope of the nation, but this can only happen if you realize what they are trying to

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Why Good Computer Ethics Are Necessary In Our Modern World. Cyberspace Has Opened a Whole New Arena of Commerce and Communication and New Rules Apply Accordingly. Good computer ethics are essential in today’s day and age where just about everyone finds themselves using a computer. There is no question that computers raise specific ethical issues.

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Good Find Family Values Are Kept Out of the Media on Purpose. It’s hard to find family values in the media today. Have you ever looked for a program on television that you truly felt your children should be watching?  It seems impossible to find family values on television or in the movies that are

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Using Fetch Art for iTunes, People Lose Their Own Creative Artist.  While you are searching for Fetch Art for iTunes, your mind and your well-being are being attacked by a banking mafia-lead agenda for a world power that begins with your mind. The world is being hit with a barrage of information, of sights and

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