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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Functions of the Central Bank Are Insulated From Inquiry and Accountability. The functions of the central bank of the United States, otherwise known as the Federal Reserve Board,  are a national source of distress, and they have been for a long time. Andrew Jackson swore to destroy the U.S. National Bank of his day,

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The Function of the Central Bank in the United States is Far Different From What We Have Been Led to Believe. To Protect Our Freedom We Must Abolish the Fed. The function of the central bank is solely to the benefit of the elite banking familes who own the Federal Reserve System. The private owners

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Does The Fractional Reserve Banking System Enslave the Population? The fractional reserve banking system started over 500 years ago. It was started by the Goldsmiths throughout Europe who stored gold in secure premises for wealthy clients. As these networks of Goldsmiths grew up all over Europe, they provided notes (the first banknotes) which were exchangeable

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The Effects of a Central Bank Are the Downfall of the Greatest Country in the World and the Gateway to World Slavery and a New World Order Run by the Elite. An essential question to the American economy should be what are the effects of a central bank? The tenet or purpose of a central

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Know About the Coming Economic Depression: Knowledge is Power. A key factor in the coming economic depression to those who study the U.S. economy closely is the habit of printing money in unlimited amounts, with nothing tangible to support that currency.  As bad as that action may be in the long run, some say the

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How the Federal Reserve System Concentrates Power and Allows the Ruling Class to Keep a Stranglehold on Working Peoples’ Financial Freedom and Security. The Federal Reserve System is large and highly secretive and is only now being recognized for the dangerous creature it is. Through the Federal Reserve a group of ancient blood lines exert

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