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Blog Category: Secret Societies

The U.S. Federal Reserve System is Enriching the Global Banking Elite at the Expense of the American Taxpayer and Our Government Approves. Who really runs the US Federal Reserve System? If you’ve answered Ben Bernanke, Congress or the government, you’re dead wrong. The Fed, as it is popularly known, is not a true government agency

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The U.S. Central Bank is Run by the Global Banking Elite to Fulfill Personal Interests and Ambitions Not to Serve the American Taxpayer. The U.S. central bank stands out as a unique example of a central bank, globally speaking, that is truly autonomous. It stands out in the sense that while it implies there is

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Private Ownership of the United States Federal Reserve is Unconstitutional and Illegal Yet was Fully Endorsed by the Obama Administration. The United States Federal Reserve has control of this country’s money and yet is totally unaccountable to the citizens of this nation. It is not a part of the government even though the president appoints

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Thomas Jefferson Warned Us About the Dangers of Allowing A Central Bank to Create Our Currency and Now America is Feeling the Effects of the Global Banking Elite. Thomas Jefferson warned us to never allow a central bank to operate within our borders. He knew of the dangers and wrote laws in the Constitution to protect

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The Truth About 911 Is That American Government Is Corrupt. The truth about 911 is that it was instituted by corrupt corporate and government forces that were only interested in securing for themselves worldwide oil interests and increasing corporate profits, and it did not matter who got hurt in the process. To the type of

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The Secret Behind Secret Societies Comes to Light at Long Last. The secret behind secret societies isn’t so secret anymore. It’s published in books, articles, essays and on the Internet, you can even research it and read volumes about these secret societies. It all boils down to the one most major secret, and this is what

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