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Blog Category: Telecommunications

Why Good Computer Ethics Are Necessary In Our Modern World. Cyberspace Has Opened a Whole New Arena of Commerce and Communication and New Rules Apply Accordingly. Good computer ethics are essential in today’s day and age where just about everyone finds themselves using a computer. There is no question that computers raise specific ethical issues.

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Freedom of Speech When on The Internet is a Lone Survivor. Microsoft, Yahoo! and Google confirmed on 28 October 2008 having signed up for the Global Network Initiative (GNI), an organization aimed at freedom of speech when on the internet.  GNI is meant to give guidance and a set of procedures to technology companies with

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How the Wiretapping Legal Discussion Fails to Help Those Most in Need. With developments in recent years, wiretapping legal initiatives are carving up individual rights in more than one way. The answer to the question of who can legally wiretap and how has been redefined several times. Each time the vice has tightened on civil

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Wiretapping Law Creates an Enormous Danger to Society. When wiretapping law was first created, the elites knew they had made significant progress in robbing American citizens of fundamental freedoms. Today, law enforcement officers can stick their nose into everyone’s business, yet the common person can barely record a call that proves bill collectors are threatening

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The Wiretapping and Divorce Law Maryland Observes is Not True Protection. Wide Spread Surveillance is in Place, Leaving Very Little Room for Personal Privacy. Illegal wiretapping and divorce law Maryland make for bad bedfellows. Maryland law states that in order to legally intercept and record the conversations of people, permission must be obtained from each

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Wiretapping Government Officials Should be Passed Into Law Immediately. Today, it is absolutely necessary for American citizens to demand the right to start wiretapping government and law enforcement officials. This is the only way that American citizens can truly find out what is going on in their own country. For example, this will provide an

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